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Monday 5 April 2010

Alderley Edge

Alderley Edge
Yesterday me and Steph went to Alderley Edge. I think it's my favourite place in the world :)
I've been a bit obsessed with Alderley Edge since I read Alan Garner's books The Weirdstone of Brisingamen and The Moon of Gomrath I was convinced for some reason that "The Edge" was an invention of Alan Garner's imagination, i never thought it could be a real place. . . It wasn't until a few years later, when I got my first car, that I found out that The Edge was real!
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen
No-one in our family had ever owned a car, so suddenly having the freedom to travel anywhere I wanted to, in the country, was a bit too much. I'd pick a place from my road atlas and just go. It was great. One day I was planning a route to the Peak District and spotted Macclesfield on the map. I remembered that "The Edge" was situated on the Macclesfield Road in Alan Garner's books. I traced my finger back along the road towards Alderley
The Moon of Gomrath
and there it was! I couldn't believe it. The Edge actually existed... Two Hours Later I was there. I was standing on Stormy Point with my back to The Devils Grave, looking out over the Cheshire Plain. After a bit of searching, I found The Wizard's Well, Castle Rock, The Golden Stone and loads of other caves and mines. I was chuffed.
That was back in 1983 and I've visited Alderley Edge as often as I can, ever since.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Woo the edge rocks! I must read these childrens books though! I envy your edgy knowledge!
