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Sunday 31 January 2010

Fastest month of my life

Another way to lose weight.
Yep, time is definitely speeding up. It's February tomorrow and less than 11 months till Christmas. :)
I still haven't had the results from my CaT Scan, but I'm feeling 100% better than I was a couple of weeks back.
The weight loss is still happening, but not as quickly as it was just before Christmas. I'm about 68Kg now. I was 81kg in November. In my medical, last week I was told that I'm still 16lbs overweight. So I'm aiming for around 60-61kg to be my ideal weight.
I've tried loads of diets over the years and have always found it really hard to keep the weight off. But now I've discovered the easiest diet in the world. and it costs absolutely nowt. I just drink loads and loads of water. About 3 litres a day. I don't feel the urge to eat a snack or make a sandwich. I think I used to eat out of pure boredom. I'm not even that hungry anymore. Now when I eat, it's because I need to and not because I'm looking for something to do.
The only problem is, none of my clothes fit me now. I need a load of new stuff.
Anyway, I'm fed up of being mistaken for a hobo.

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