This looks crap here. . . . But if you visit it at it looks soooo much better.

Sunday 31 January 2010

Fastest month of my life

Another way to lose weight.
Yep, time is definitely speeding up. It's February tomorrow and less than 11 months till Christmas. :)
I still haven't had the results from my CaT Scan, but I'm feeling 100% better than I was a couple of weeks back.
The weight loss is still happening, but not as quickly as it was just before Christmas. I'm about 68Kg now. I was 81kg in November. In my medical, last week I was told that I'm still 16lbs overweight. So I'm aiming for around 60-61kg to be my ideal weight.
I've tried loads of diets over the years and have always found it really hard to keep the weight off. But now I've discovered the easiest diet in the world. and it costs absolutely nowt. I just drink loads and loads of water. About 3 litres a day. I don't feel the urge to eat a snack or make a sandwich. I think I used to eat out of pure boredom. I'm not even that hungry anymore. Now when I eat, it's because I need to and not because I'm looking for something to do.
The only problem is, none of my clothes fit me now. I need a load of new stuff.
Anyway, I'm fed up of being mistaken for a hobo.

Monday 18 January 2010

CAT Scan fun

This isn't me, or my cat.
I went to Halton Hospital today to get a scan. I was expecting to be there for hours and also expecting to get some sort of dye injected into my veins.
I waited for about 20 mins and then my name was called. I went into the scanner room and was told to lie on my front on the scanner bed. I was put into the scanner, arse first and a robotic voice told me to hold my breath. I was scanned and then the whole thing was repeated. I was on the bus home, less than 10 minutes later. No injections or anything. I didn't even get undressed. How cool is that?

Thursday 14 January 2010

New Year, New Website.

Seeing as it's a new year, I thought I'd build myself a new website.
The Long COLD walk to ASDA
At the moment it's just this blog and is a bit boring, but I'll try and make it a bit more interesting, in the future.
It's been a bit of a crap start to the new year. On NewYears Eve I got myself some kidney stones, which basically meant I was in bed until Sunday the 10th. I went back to work on Monday but by Monday night the pain was back and I was up all night, feeling like crap. I stayed in bed all of Tuesday and quite a lot of today. I feel a lot better now, so I might go back to work tomorrow.
The weather has been great for the past three weeks. Great if you like snow, but I've only been out of the flat 3 times since boxing day and that was to buy some thermal underwear & a bit of food and a visit to the doctors.
