This looks crap here. . . . But if you visit it at it looks soooo much better.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Movie or Book

Why is it, that when they make the movie based on the book, nine times out of ten they are crap? Or if they're not really crap, they just have one or two scenes that are so significantly different from the book, that they make you shout out "That doesn't happen!' or "WTF - Who's he/she??? - They weren't in the book???" and "Why have they missed out my favourite part?". Worst of all is when they leave out a complete character and give his lines and actions to another character, which ruins everything.
Last night I watched the movie adaptation of Audrey Niffenegger's 'The Time Travellers Wife". If you haven't read the book you'll either enjoy this movie or be confused by the plot and then get into it just before it ends. But if you have read the book, you'll be screaming at the screen within seconds of the opening titles. I'm not saying this movie is crap, I actually did enjoy it, but it just can't compare to the book.

Another movie, based on one of my favourite books is 'The Golden Compass' - Phillip Pullman's Northern Lights (I should have realised it was going to be crap, when they used the dumbed down American book title for the movie version.).
Why doesn't Hollywood put all that money into making epic TV series from great novels? After all, the majority of the population watch movies on their massive HD LCD tellies. Instead they keep pumping out endless series' of shite, Lost, 24 and CSI. It's impossible to fit a book that can take up to 30 hours to read, into a screenplay of 3 hours or less.
The only exceptions to the rule is when a movie is made from a short story, one that you could read in the same time it takes to watch the movie. Or when the screenplay is so good it brings the movie up to the books standard ( Stand By Me). It's like a cover version of your favourite song. You imagine you'll hate it but somehow it grows on you and you end up liking it just as much or even liking it more. Although Madonna's cover of American Pie will never be in the same league as Don McLean's original tribute to Buddy Holly...
So my conclusion is this - If you enjoyed reading book, don't ever expect the movie to be anything like it. You'll always be disappointed. The best movies are written directly for the screen or are adaptations of plays.

Monday 5 April 2010

Alderley Edge

Alderley Edge
Yesterday me and Steph went to Alderley Edge. I think it's my favourite place in the world :)
I've been a bit obsessed with Alderley Edge since I read Alan Garner's books The Weirdstone of Brisingamen and The Moon of Gomrath I was convinced for some reason that "The Edge" was an invention of Alan Garner's imagination, i never thought it could be a real place. . . It wasn't until a few years later, when I got my first car, that I found out that The Edge was real!
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen
No-one in our family had ever owned a car, so suddenly having the freedom to travel anywhere I wanted to, in the country, was a bit too much. I'd pick a place from my road atlas and just go. It was great. One day I was planning a route to the Peak District and spotted Macclesfield on the map. I remembered that "The Edge" was situated on the Macclesfield Road in Alan Garner's books. I traced my finger back along the road towards Alderley
The Moon of Gomrath
and there it was! I couldn't believe it. The Edge actually existed... Two Hours Later I was there. I was standing on Stormy Point with my back to The Devils Grave, looking out over the Cheshire Plain. After a bit of searching, I found The Wizard's Well, Castle Rock, The Golden Stone and loads of other caves and mines. I was chuffed.
That was back in 1983 and I've visited Alderley Edge as often as I can, ever since.
